Sunday, November 7, 2010

A nice morning

Well got up this morning, fairly early at about 6.40, considering it is a holiday. And the first thing on my mind, i can feel the ritual misery of work as tomorrow beckons. While brushing my teeth i felt the need to mark this day, last in a long festive weekend. So i put on my running shoes and decided to go for a jog at the park at sankey tank. Usually i'd take the bike, but the weather felt nice for a walk and its a long walk, so i guess that would warm me up for the jog. Its a really nice place. Whenever i come here i wonder why don't i come here often. after a bit of stretching i decide to jog, I jog on and off from one end to the other , a fairly long distance mind you (for i aint an Ethiopian long distance runner) I relax and stretch again for a couple of minutes. Now i am determined not to stop for as long as i can, So i start again, this time trying to remember to breathe only through my nose. I make it more than halfway and have broken into a sweat now. I can hear my heart pumping hard. My legs are threatening to give up. But i push on. I tell myself i'll reach the next lamp post. But every time i say to myself I can make it to the next one. Ten lamp posts go by and then I lose count. And I am dripping with sweat now. Every muscle crying out aching with pain. But I am laughing in my head. There's maiden playing in my ear. Bruce shouting out '..if there's a god why does he let me go..' I had almost forgotten this joy that pain giveth. When you are so tired, and you can't move a muscle, but ironically u feel free. Somehow this morning I am now sure there is a god. I bend down and hold my knees to take a breather for a few seconds. There's a girl running like there's no tomorrow. She looks at me and looks away in disdain, I couldn't care less. For I am thinking of my love. She's so beautiful. I sit down at a bench and gaze at the lake. It looks really good after they restored the whole area and the weather is particularly nice. Its cloudy and fairly dull, but there's a gentle cool breeze which helps me cool down. It seems like its a minute away from raining but it doesn't rain and thats the best kind of weather. See a few ducks swimming around. I wonder what would be their concerns in the day. Just looking for food all day, or a mate at the most? There's a small island in the middle of the lake with a few dried up trees. A couple of beautiful white swans keep flying off from there and returning back to the old trees. Just like my mind trying to explore new things but again forced to get back in line with the world. But I make a promise to myself to come back here daily and leave. I get out of the place and right in front there's a coffee day.. didn't notice it while going in. Stupid things are springing up everywhere you see. I start my walk back home and then get into my favourite fast food place and have a strong filter coffee standing on the footpath. And then it starts, a light rain. The drizzle waters down my strong coffee. But i don't mind. Life's good. Atleast until I get back to work tomorrow.


Nitin said...

Nice one brother. Reminds me of the time i used to jog. Oh how i miss it. The times when i used to numb the soaring pain and aching muscles with music. You thinking about your lady love. I had almost forgotten that you are no longer a bachelor. It was refreshing reading about your jog. You should log more often :)

Abhi said...

thanks bro :) but did u mean log more often or jog more often? I know.. i want to do both..