I write this not because i want to. But because i have to. Its been quite a while since i wrote something on this, my blog, since i made a conscious decision to put up only poetry. But now i dont care.. I am beyond care. Coz i need to grease my still brain cells, need to sharpen my neurons. And with these words I hope to do that. Get back to flexing my mind. I dont care. I dont care if i ramble on, meaningless. I am beyond meaning. Whats a blog meant for anyway? Who ever came up with this idea? This whole idea of people writing about their feelings, thinkings. Thinking? Can that be a noun? I dont care. I am gonna use it anyway. I have a licence. Artistic licence. Licence no.FCK0ff666. Anyway keep telling the world how u feel in your nice little blog. But the world will tell you, it doesnt give a damn. But I dont care. We can all go on talking in this nice virtual so called 'blogosphere' about whats wrong, about what should change. But you and me, we are armchair revolutionaries. A blog is not a revolution. So stop feeling as though you caused some change in some butterfly effect manner. Maybe you all got is another two-bit worth blogger like you sitting in darkness of his ignorance nodding in enlightened agreement. But i dont care. I look for enlightenment. But I dont know enlightenment. The Buddha knew enlightement. Yes he saw enlightenment. He said there are 4 truths. These truths are basically all to do with misery and suffering. So now i will take upon myself the task of spreading the dude's word. Firstly, recognise suffering. Birth, Illness, Old age and Death are the ones. Sheesh! i thought my job was suffering. How naive of me! Secondly, he wants u to know the root of this misery in life. which is nothing but craving or desire. So that means if u crave a cake, this will either way lead to misery irrespective of whether u have a cake or not. Remember that saying, You cant have a cake and eat it too. I get it now. Someone was applying the Buddha's teaching i guess. Well in my opinion he should get a cake for that, or better yet a brownie. Well maybe he did have some brownies. Maybe the Amsterdam kind. Who knows? I dont care. I left the Buddha few lines ago. If you were disappointed you couldnt learn enlightenment. Wiki it. I dont care. Feels good to ramble and rant. You should try it.