Ever since man has walked the earth he has asked himself many questions. He has also asked those around him. Questions. They are important. Important questions like why are we here or what is the purpose of my life? As important as they may seem, they are sometimes rhetorical. Those are kind of questions which can produce more questions. So you might ask yourself, can too many questions be healthy for you. Sure ‘what time is it?’ is also a question. But it is a question without consequence, or so you might think, because what if it is your time? So there’s food for thought.. Some questions bring u answers and some bring you more questions. Like those rhetorical ones I mentioned above, are maybe not meant to be answered, only questioned. Just like some fights are not meant to be won, only sustained. So that brings us to another question, What is the importance of such a question, which has no answer? Well maybe its not the answer that matters, But the pursuit of the answer.
I went through a phase when I was asking ‘why’ for everything people said. I don’t know how it started, but everyone got really annoyed. Because well, it just seems silly sometimes. So now I question things which are only more questionable. Well that’s all I have to say about that. For the record, I wasn’t smoking anything when I wrote this. I don’t need to. I am always high with a question or two.